Ocean Videos on LED Walls

Mockups of the Ocean Videos playing in your conceptual plans are available free.

The videos are reflected by surrounding surfaces, the floor, the walls, the ceiling. These reflections can a play of light and an integration into the surrounding space.

The video walls can be installed in small groups of two or more, at differing angles to each other, to create a three dimensional work of sound and motion. A rhythm of images develops, enhancing engagement.

WHITE SURF AND QUIET WATER - A slow motion composite video with audio of either the ocean’s sound or selected music.



CHRISTIE DIGITAL - click for display Information


Video works have three audio options : a selection of music or the ocean sound at the time of recording or silence. Works play on any size screen. (Low Tide and Lighthouse Beach , 2000).


Often Seen - Seldom Felt 2019 (Title from Emily Dickinson)


Create Engaging Interior Spaces With Light and Movement


From the series Land Clouds which can run 30 minutes of original footage and then be looped to play continuous. Selected music audio or ocean sound recording. Land Cloud #2, 2022


Art for world architecture. Innovative Wall Designs. Free consultation and digital mockups. Design ideas for contemporary interiors and public areas. (Granite Cove, 2019)


Art to Elevate Viewer Connection

world architecture interior displays of modern art.

LED Screens are available in any custom size. Ocean Incline 2019 (still image from the 4K video)